How Quantum Computers Will Solve an Unsolvable Problem

How Quantum Computers Will Solve an Unsolvable Problem
AI Tips Dec 15, 2023

How Quantum Computers Will Solve an Unsolvable Problem

Imagine computational power so immense that it can instantaneously crack encryption codes, simulate complex chemical reactions with incredible precision, and revolutionize fields like medicine, finance, and artificial intelligence! This is the world of quantum computing—a realm where the laws of physics and technological limits are pushed to the farthest boundaries. Get ready to explore it. But before we see how it differs from classical computing, we must delve into its "quantum" aspect. Quantum computers operate on two crucial principles of quantum mechanics: entanglement and superposition. These two phenomena are foundational principles that enable quantum computers to perform certain types of computations that are beyond the capabilities of classical computers. What are they?

Let's start with entanglement. In this phenomenon, two particles can become so closely connected that the state of one particle depends on the state of the other. Imagine you have a pair of magical dice. They are somehow linked—always knowing what number the other die rolled and displaying the same result. No matter how far apart they are, the numbers on them will always be the same. How is this possible? Who knows! It's magic. Essentially, this is entanglement in quantum physics. Only in this case, we're talking about particles, not magical dice. We can send one particle to Mars and leave another on Earth, but somehow, one particle will always know what's happening to the other and change accordingly. This means that if you measure one particle, you instantly know the state of the other particle, regardless of the distance between them.

Einstein called this spooky action at a distance. But scientists have been able to demonstrate it in real experiments. And the recent Nobel laureates of 2022 proved that there is no mistake in the experiments, and we cannot explain this phenomenon with classical physics. Now let's discuss superposition. Superposition is the ability of a quantum system to exist in multiple states simultaneously until it is measured. Imagine playing the game "rock-paper-scissors" with a friend. In classical physics, the result of each round can only be rock, paper, or scissors. But in quantum physics, things can exist in multiple states at once. So, in a quantum "rock-paper-scissors" game, your hand could be in superposition, simultaneously being a rock, paper, and scissors! And only when you make a move, and your friend sees it, does your hand "choose" its state. Madness, isn't it?

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You might recall the famous Schrödinger's cat experiment. The cat in the box was in a state of superposition: it could be both alive and dead simultaneously until the box was opened and we observed the result. (Don't worry, it was a thought experiment; the cat is fine.) These two principles of quantum computing allow for an entirely new way of computation. It has the potential to revolutionize the ways we process and store information. For instance, classical computations use bits (i.e., zero or one) to represent and manipulate data. Everything inside a computer—messages you write, programs you open, and even this video—essentially consists of VERY long strings of zeros and ones. A bit is always either zero or one. It's like a switch that is either on or off. But in quantum computations, we use qubits. They exist in a superposition state—in other words, they can exist in multiple states simultaneously. It's like if a switch could simultaneously be on and off!

Now, imagine you have a qubit in a superposition. And then you entangle this qubit with another qubit. Just like with our magical dice, now the state of one qubit depends on the state of the other qubit. In simpler terms, superposition allows our qubits to exist in multiple states simultaneously, and entanglement allows multiple qubits to work together in all these states! Can you imagine what such a computer can do? It far surpasses our classical computations! It's like a magical genie fulfilling all your wishes simultaneously and instantly. That's why quantum computing is so fascinating. These computers also have so-called quantum algorithms. These are sets of instructions you give to the computer so that it can perform specific tasks. The most important ones include Shor's algorithm, Grover's algorithm, quantum machine learning, and so on. Wow, Grover has his own algorithm?

So, let's take Shor's algorithm. This thing is a real game-changer, altering all the rules when it comes to breaking encryption codes. Imagine you're a spy trying to crack a secret message, but the code is so complex that it would take a CLASSICAL computer MILLIONS of years to figure it out. But wait, you have a secret weapon: a quantum computer! Just use superposition to try all possible combinations simultaneously! It's like a magic decoder ring that can unveil the secrets of the universe in an instant. As for Grover's algorithm, it's like having a super-powerful search engine. Imagine you're trying to find a needle in a haystack, but this haystack is so vast that it would take a classical computer an eternity to sift through it. But with Grover's algorithm, a quantum computer is like a supercharged Google that can find the answer to any question in mere seconds! It will locate your needle much faster than an ordinary computer would. We can also use it to create complex simulations. This would truly help us achieve scientific breakthroughs.

For example, imagine you're a scientist trying to understand a complex chemical reaction. But modeling this reaction on a classical computer is too challenging. There are so many numbers, variables, and more! Enter the quantum computer. Just use superposition and entanglement to model the reaction much more accurately. And these algorithms are just the tip of the iceberg! (Watch out, "Titanic"!) Quantum computers can process and analyze large volumes of data much faster than any classical computer could. Potentially, we can solve problems that were previously deemed impossible! We can also combine this with other achievements—such as artificial intelligence. Quantum algorithms can help artificial intelligence systems learn much faster. We could achieve many cool things, from self-driving cars to intelligent chatbots! The most interesting part is that we already have a few real quantum computers! They can even perform some tasks. But, of course, they are still far from fully functional models. There are several significant challenges in quantum computing that we still need to overcome. One of the main ones is the number of qubits. The more qubits you have, the more powerful your quantum computer will be. However, the more qubits, the harder they are to control and stabilize. This can lead to errors and a decrease in performance. However, we can address this issue using more advanced error correction methods. Another problem is coherence time. "Coherence time" is how long a quantum computer can maintain its superpositions without disturbing them. The longer it is, the more computations the computer can perform. But currently, coherence time is quite short, and scientists are trying to find new ways to extend it. But despite these challenges, we have made significant progress in recent years. Companies like Google, IBM, and Rigetti have created quantum processors with tens of qubits. There are even processors with over a hundred qubits! Recently, in Japan, the first quantum computers for ordinary users started to be sold! These are small quantum computers, each containing two to three qubits. But it's still a huge breakthrough. And although this technology is still new, the potential of quantum computing is enormous. Scientists believe that quantum computers will soon be able to solve tasks that are currently impossible for classical computers, leading to breakthroughs in all areas of life. This is the future, and we've only just begun to glimpse what's possible. So, let's dive deeper and explore the uncharted together!

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